Pablo García-Amorena García CEO and Co-Founder of Mirrakoi SA, Lausanne Switzerland, 2014 Mathematical sciences
Teresa Barrio Traspaderne Consultora en derechos humanos y desarrollo socioeconómico, London United Kingdom, 2014 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Carlos Ruiz Domínguez Distinguished Engineer, AI & Real-Time Systems at AiFi Inc., Berkeley United States, 2014 Engineering and technology
Ricardo Grande Izquierdo Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, Ann Arbor United Kingdom, 2014 Physical sciences
Beatriz de Diego Lazaro Investigadora, Segovia United States, 2014 Medical and health sciences Spain, 2023 Medical and health sciences
Daniel Remón Rodríguez Fundador y director técnico de Enrev, responsable de innovación y digitalización en e+ Ingeniería Canada, 2014 Physical sciences
Alberto Guillén Salas Associate Director, PAAMCO Prisma, La Joyosa United States, 2014 Social sciences: economic and business sciences