Gerard Domènech Arumí Visiting Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University, Nashville United States, 2014 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
María de Ascanio Heredero Development & Production Executive, Live Action Films at The Walt Disney Studios, Los Angeles United States, 2014 Humanities: art and history
Miguel Ángel Garrido García Data Scientist at Google Research, New York United Kingdom, 2014 Mathematical sciences
Mara Dicenta Vilker Estudiante de doctorado en Antropología social y cultural en el Renssealaer Polytechnic Institute United States, 2014 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Pau Vilimelis Aceituno Investigador en Neurociencia Computacional, Pétrola United States, 2014 Life sciences
Íñigo Zubeldía Lafuente Estudiante de Doctorado en el Institute of Astronomy de la Universidad de Cambridge, Tudela United Kingdom, 2015 Physical sciences
Daniel Roures Rego Trabajando de becario en la Comisión Europea, Pozuelo de Alarcón United Kingdom, 2015 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Guillermo Uriz Uharte Estudiante de doctorado en Economía de la University College London, Zizur Mayor United Kingdom, 2015 Social sciences: economic and business sciences