Jorge GÓMEZ DERVEAUX Managing Director Leonardo - Spain, Rome France, 2004 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Josep GINEBRA MOLINS Departament Estadistica i I.O., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa United States, 1986 Engineering and technology
María GONZÁLEZ ÁLVAREZ Emprendedora, Madrid United States, 2001 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Laura HERNÁN MIGUÉLEZ Profesora Idiomas (Inglés, Alemán) ESO/Bachillerato, Madrid Germany, 2004 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Nayra GRAU MARRERO Dentista y propietaria de Clínica Dental Nayra Grau, Barcelona United States, 2000 Medical and health sciences
Julio de la GUARDIA RIVERA Madrid Germany, 1994 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Emilio GUTIÉRREZ BRUSÉS Director de una family office que gestiona el patrimonio de una familia o empresa, Barcelona United States, 1998 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Montserrat GUILLA REBERT Principal Software Engineer. Indiana University United States, 1986 Engineering and technology
Immaculada IGLESIAS ESTRADÉ Profesora en la Universidad Carlos III, Alcorcón United States, 1988 Engineering and technology