Miguel MILANO ASPE President EMEA en Salesforce, Sevilla United States, 1993 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Carme MIRÓ CLOUTIER Founding Partner apple tree communications, Barcelona United States, 1993 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Manuel MONTOBBIO DE BALANZÓ Ambaixador Representant Permanent d'Espanya al Consell d'Europa (Estrasburg) Belgium, 1984 Social sciences: legal sciences
Martina MILLÀ BERNAD Responsable de Programación y Proyectos en Fundación Miró, Barcelona United States, 1989 Humanities: art and history
Eduard MONTANYA MIAS Cap Seccio, Hospital Bellvitge, Barcelona United States, 1989 Medical and health sciences
Daniel MORALES CARRERAS Tarragona United States, 2000 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Josep MESSA BEL Presidente en Sabia Energía y Mantenimiento, Barcelona United States, 1984 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Olaia NAVEIRAS TORRES-QUIROGA SNSF Professor, EPFL, Lausanne United States, 2001 Medical and health sciences
José Luis NOVO MARTÍN Artistic Director & Conductor, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra; Resident Cond., Eastern Music Festival, Valladolid United States, 1991 Humanities: art and history
Jorge NOGUERA FERRER Berkeley United States, 1992 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Ramón NOGUEROLES PETERSEN Patent Examiner, European Patent Office Germany, 1993 Engineering and technology
Marc NOVO DÍAZ CIO at Laboratorios Ordesa, S.L, Vilassar de Dalt United States, 1997 Engineering and technology