Lucía GAYOSO MORANDEIRA Ph. D. Food, Phisiology & Health, Donostia - San Sebastian Spain, 2010 Medical and health sciences
Lucas GORTÁZAR DE LA RICA Economista en Banco Mundial, Washington Spain, 2010 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Iago DOEL PÉREZ Estudiante de doctorado, Medical University of Vienna, Lugo Spain, 2010 Physical sciences
Diego Tomás GUIJARRO RODRÍGUEZ Burgos Spain, 2010 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Beatriz SÁNCHEZ SENDRA Técnico Investigación Universitat València, Departamento Patología, Laboratorio Biología Molecular Spain, 2010 Medical and health sciences
Esther MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ Postdoctoral researcher, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), València Spain, 2010 Medical and health sciences
María de Lluch MOHEDANO RETUERTO Madrid Spain, 2010 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines