Pablo GÓMEZ RIVERA Analista en Altamar Capital Partners, Mieres Spain, 2008 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Patricia GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ Assistant Professor at Fordham University, Barcelona Spain, 2008 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Clara HOMAR COVAS Psicóloga en Centre EsPla, Palma de Mallorca Spain, 2008 Medical and health sciences
Cristina GUTIÉRREZ VÁZQUEZ Investigadora postdoctoral, Boston Spain, 2008 Medical and health sciences
Raquel MONTES TORRALBA trabajadora autónoma. Consejo administración pública, Paris Spain, 2008 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Pilar MENDOZA DAROCA Postdoctoral associate, Rockefeller University, Madrid Spain, 2008 Chemical sciences
Anna LLORENS GÓMEZ Profesora de español en Sheffield Centre, Tarragona Spain, 2008 Humanities: philology and linguistics