María Teresa Santos Fernández Postdoctoral Researcher, Princeton University, Atlanta United States, 2016 Engineering and technology
Silvia Cristina Segade Sanz Associate, Latham & Watkins, San Francisco United States, 2016 Social sciences: legal sciences
Elena Casanovas Navarro Estudiante de doctorado en UCL, London United States, 2016 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ximo Gallud Cidoncha Estudiante de Doctorado en ña Cornell University, Cambridge United States, 2016 Engineering and technology
Oscar Bedford Vilarrubias Investigador, Montreal Canada, 2016 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Montserrat Gatnau Vera Graduate Student at Cornell University, Ithaca United States, 2016 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Marta Bautista Forcada Program Officer, Prevention & Peacebuilding NYU Center on International Cooperation, New York United States, 2016 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Laura Díaz Marugán Predoctoral Researcher. Gut-Brain axis in stroke., Madrid Spain, 2016 Life sciences
ÁLVARO PRIDA GUILLÉN Analista de riesgo de inundaciones en AXA Climate, Paris Netherlands, 2017 Engineering and technology
Pedro Garcia Gomez PhD Fellow at CNIO - Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid Spain, 2017 Life sciences
María Pascual Dapena Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Lawyer, Barcelona United Kingdom, 2017 Social sciences: legal sciences