Ignacio de URIARTE Y DE TUERO Associate Professor of Mathematics, Toronto United States, 1996 Mathematical sciences
Carla TRONU MONTANÉ JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow en Kyoto University, Barcelona United Kingdom, 2001 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Laura TORTOSA REY-STOLLE Madrid France, 1999 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Adela TORRES CALATAYUD Gerente de Medio Ambiente en Mercadona, València United States, 1998 Chemical sciences
Víctor TORRE DE SILVA Y LÓPEZ DE LETONA Profesor, IE Law School, Madrid United States, 1991 Social sciences: legal sciences
M. Isabel TRILLAS GAY Professor Titular Facultat Biologia Universitat de Barcelona i Emprenedor, soci i assessor científic de la spin of Biocontrol Technologies, Tiana United States, 1982 Life sciences
Xavier VENTURA-TRAVESET BOSCH Head of Galileo Navigation Science Office - European Space Agency, Madrid United States, 1990 Engineering and technology
Pablo VEGA TORRES Director General, CrossDNA, Madrid Canada, 2000 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Begoña VÁZQUEZ SANTOS Director, International Memberships at The Nature Conservancy United States, 1997 Social sciences: economic and business sciences