Nuno Carvalho Carneiro MSc in Mathematics Student, Viana do Castelo Switzerland, 2023 Mathematical sciences
Iria FRAGA RIVAS Profesora Dep. Formación Básica. Responsable Dep. del Estudiante EUSS-UAB, Valldoreix Spain, 2005 Physical sciences
Herminia GONZÁLVEZ TORRALBO Elche Spain, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
David HERNÁNDEZ FALAGÁN Profesor en Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Spain, 2005 Humanities: art and history
Marta FERRER GARCÍA Professor contractat a temps complet, Barcelona Spain, 2005 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Ana GILABERT ESCORSA Psicoterapeuta en Instituto Guzmán, Barcelona Spain, 2005 Medical and health sciences
Luis Miguel LUS ARANA Profesor en la Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza United States, 2005 Humanities: art and history