María Belén Hípola Ulecia Master's Student in Economics, New York United States, 2020 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Samuel Ruiperez Campillo Associate Researcher at Stanford, MSc at ETHz and MEng at UC Berkeley, Zuric United States, 2020 Engineering and technology
Ana Lucia Londoño Ramirez Junior Climate Consultant at PARIS21, OECD, Paris France, 2020 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
KAI KATSUYA GAVIRIA Estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad de Cambridge, Madrid United Kingdom, 2020 Life sciences
Luis Moyano García Ph.D. Student, Ithaca United Kingdom, 2020 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Cristina Rubio Semelas Medical Application Software Developer, Munich United States, 2020 Engineering and technology
Eduardo Manuel Morán Peláez Graduate Research Fellow, Madrid United States, 2020 Mathematical sciences