Xavier NUENO GUITART PhD Film and Visual Studies - Harvard University, Paris France, 2012 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Jaime FERNÁNDEZ FISAC Assistant Professor, Princeton University, Princeton United States, 2012 Engineering and technology
Vicente ROMERO DE ÁVILA SERRANO Transportation Planner, San Francisco United States, 2011 Humanities: art and history
Jaime GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ MBA Candidate at Harvard Business School, León France, 2012 Engineering and technology
Javier SOLANA ÁLVAREZ Profesor de Derecho Mercantil, León United States, 2011 Social sciences: legal sciences
Ana Victoria LECHUGA VIECO Becaria Investigación "la Caixa": Functional genetics of the OXPHOS system in mammals-CNIC, Andújar Spain, 2012 Medical and health sciences
Álvaro MARTÍN REMESAL PhD student at CEMFI, Madrid Spain, 2012 Social sciences: economic and business sciences