M. Carmen ALAMAR PROVECHO Thermal Function Architect & Group Lead@ ASML, Eindhoven Spain, 2005 Earth and space sciences
Francisco SÁNCHEZ VEGA Assistant Attending Computational Oncologist, New York United States, 2005 Mathematical sciences
Alberto RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA Associate Professor, MIT, Cambridge United States, 2005 Engineering and technology
Alejandro Antonio GUERRERO RUIZ Policy Research and Advice (Monitoring Global Development Effectiveness) at OECD - OCDE, Washington United States, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Eduardo PERIS DEPREZ Barcelona United States, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
María Fátima CAO VIGO Directora Técnica Nacional de Doma Paralímpica, Arteixo Spain, 2007 Medical and health sciences
Violeta CABELLO VILLAREJO Investigadora postdoctoral en Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona Spain, 2007 Earth and space sciences