Enric MONFORTE RABASCALL Jubilat, Barcelona United States, 1990 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Gabriel MUNUERA VIÑALS United States, 1990 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Carlos MULAS GRANADOS Las Rozas de Madrid United States, 1997 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Belén MONEDERO RICO CEO and Founder Drink6, Madrid United States, 2003 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Carmen NESTARES PLEGUEZUELO Granada United States, 1999 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Isabel MUXÍ CLUSELLAS Secretaria en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Manresa, Manresa United Kingdom, 1992 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Ana ORTIZ DE GUINEA LÓPEZ DE ARANA Associate Professor at HEC Montréal, Vitoria-Gasteiz Canada, 2001 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ignacio de ORÚE SABAU Director General de Personas y Comunicación, San Sebastián de los Reyes United States, 1996 Social sciences: economic and business sciences