David FAJARDO RODRÍGUEZ Santa Coloma de Gramenet China, 2007 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Joyce MONCLÚS AGUIRRE Process Design & Water Treatment Engineer en BP, València Canada, 2007 Engineering and technology
Javier CUETOS BUENO Fisheries Advisor, The Nature Conservancy, Cabezón de la Sal United States, 2008 Earth and space sciences
Irene MÁRQUEZ CORBELLA Interina en la Universidad de la Laguna, La Laguna France, 2008 Mathematical sciences
Henar RIVIÈRE RÍOS Research Member en Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Department of Contemporary Art, Madrid Germany, 2008 Humanities: art and history
Íñigo GINER MIRANDA Artistic director en DieOrdnungDerDinge, Getxo Germany, 2008 Humanities: art and history