M. Victoria TORRANO RUIZ Head of Editorial Services at Bank for International Settlements, Molina de Segura United States, 1999 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Maties TORRENT QUETGLAS Responsable de Investigación del Área de Salud de Menorca en IB-Salut, Ciutadella de Menorca United States, 1985 Medical and health sciences
Itxaso TELLADO RUIZ DE GAUNA Directora del Departamento de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Vic, Barcelona United States, 2002 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Xavier TAIXÉS VENTOSA Professor Associat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Germany, 2003 Mathematical sciences
María Dolores TORRES CABALLERO Jefa Servicio Oftalmología, Córdoba France, 2003 Medical and health sciences
Almudena MATEOS MERINO Senior Energy Specialist, The World Bank, Bogotá United States, 2004 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Roger PAREDES DEIROS Head, Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona United States, 2004 Medical and health sciences
Alejandro ZUGASTI RODRÍGUEZ Madrid United States, 1994 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Miguel Ángel de ZAVALA GIRONÉS Catedrático en la Universidad de Alcalá, Alcala de Henares United States, 1992 Engineering and technology
Daniel CAMÓS DAURELLA Senior Energy Specialist, The World Bank, Paris United States, 2004 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Arantzazu GOLDEROS RODRÍGUEZ Key Handler en la Dirección General de Competencia (Funcionaria de la Comisión Europea), Brussels United States, 2004 Social sciences: legal sciences