Chief Economist at Mapfre, Madrid
Postgraduate studies in Germany, 2001
“Nace en Madrid en 1976. Licenciado en Análisis Económico por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Doctor en Finanzas Cuantitativas. Postgrado en la Universidad Humboldt de Berlín / Universidad de Zurich (beca "la Caixa"). Actualmente es Director de Análisis Macroeconómico y Financiero en Mapfre. Anteriormente fue senior policy advisor en el Instituto de Investigación Económica Alemán (DIW), en Servicio de Estudios Económicos del Banco Santander y economista principal de BBVA Research. Es fundador y director ejecutivo de la consultora independiente .aftermath research (, empresa fundamentalmente dedicada al análisis cuantitativo y al Big Data”.
Gonzalo de's fellowship
Studies pursued with the fellowship
Type of studies
Postgraduate studies
Host university or research centre
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Speciality of studies pursued with the fellowship
General economics
Home university
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Home speciality
General economics
Your fellowship code is . You have to include it in all the publications or dissemination materials you create which are related to the research funded by the ”la Caixa” fellowship. Particularly, this mention should read as follows: “The project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is ”.