Head of Global Agricultural Research Station at BASF. R&D Digitalisation, Limburgerhof
Postgraduate studies in France, 1993
Neix a L'Ametlla del Montsec (Lleida) en el 1969. Enginyer agrònom (Universitat de Lleida, 1993) i Master d'administració d'empreses agro-alimentaries (École Supérieure d'Agriculture de Purpan, Toulouse, 1994). Des del 1998 treballa a la divisió de Crop Protection de BASF, ocupant diferents posicions en marketing, investigació i digitalització a Espanya i Alemanya.
Ramon's fellowship
Studies pursued with the fellowship
Administración de Empresas
Type of studies
Postgraduate studies
Host university or research centre
École Supérieure d’Agriculture de Purpan, Toulouse
Speciality of studies pursued with the fellowship
Business administration and management
Home university
Universitat de Lleida
Home speciality
Agricultural engineering and technology
Your fellowship code is . You have to include it in all the publications or dissemination materials you create which are related to the research funded by the ”la Caixa” fellowship. Particularly, this mention should read as follows: “The project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is ”.