Pedro Ángel GARCÍA ARES Lecturer in Finance at University of Exeter, Madrid Spain, 2009 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Miguel RICO PAINO Customer Intelligence Analyst en Cetelem España. BNP Paribas, Valladolid Spain, 2009 Mathematical sciences
María del Carmen HERRERO DOMÍNGUEZ-BERRUETA Unidad de Farmacia de la Dirección Asistencial Noroeste (Gerencia de Atención Primaria de Madrid), Fuenlabrada Spain, 2009 Medical and health sciences
Rafael SERRA GÓMEZ Stability Test Leader at General Mills, Pamplona Spain, 2009 Engineering and technology
Marta SÁNCHEZ SANTACREU Psicóloga en IMEB (Institut Municipal d'Educació de Barcelona), Barcelona Spain, 2009 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
María SÁNCHEZ OSUNA Investigador Postdoctoral en el IRIC, Córdoba Spain, 2009 Medical and health sciences
Laia VIVES ADRIÁN Project Manager Institut Biologia Molecular de Barcelona, Barcelona Spain, 2009 Life sciences
Elisa LORENZO GARCÍA Maître de conférences en la Universidad de Rennes 1, Barcelona Spain, 2009 Mathematical sciences
Emilio RODRÍGUEZ ÁLVAREZ Postdoctoral Campus Colleague, University of Arizona, Gijón United States, 2009 Humanities: art and history
Hugo VICIANA ASENSIO Investigador Juan de la Cierva, Sevilla United States, 2009 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines