Marta OLLER GUZMÁN Professora Agregada - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Sabadell France, 2002 Humanities: art and history
Vanessa Olivia OROZCO DE LA TORRE Coordinadora de Formación y Economía en Casa Árabe, Madrid United States, 2000 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ruth OLMEDILLA LACASA Profesora de violín. Escuela Municipal de Música de Cuenca, Cuenca United States, 1997 Humanities: art and history
Eneko NUÑO ARANA Profesor en el Conservatorio de Vitoria, Andoain Germany, 2004 Humanities: art and history
M. Isabel OLTRA MASSUET Professora Agregada Serra Húnter, URV, Tarragona United States, 1996 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Pere PAJEROLS MARTÍNEZ Professor d'Ensenyament Secundari l'Institut l'Alt Berguedà, Bagà, Berga Germany, 2004 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Ainhoa PAREDES PENADÉS Corresponsal Informativos Telecinco, Palma de Mallorca United Kingdom, 2001 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Mónica PEÑA SASTRE Senior Policy Advisor en European Investment Bank, Brussels United States, 2000 Engineering and technology
Ignacio PANIZO SANTOS Archivo Histórico Nacional, Pamplona France, 1994 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Helena PALACIOS FERNÁNDEZ Industrial Hygienist at EPFL, Madrid United States, 2003 Medical and health sciences