
5804 fellows found

5804 fellows found


Profesora de Percusión del Conservatorio Profesional de Música, Zaragoza

Germany, 2000

Humanities: art and history

Professor, Madrid

United States, 2002

Social sciences: economic and business sciences

Chair of SIG Deaf Children and Families at European Society for Mental Health and Deafness, Madrid

United Kingdom, 1999

Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences

Macro Analyst en CaixaBank, Aramaio

United Kingdom, 1994

Social sciences: economic and business sciences

Kolokotrones Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Director of CAUSALab, Harvard University, Boston

United States, 1994

Medical and health sciences

Socio en Ramón y Cajal Abogados, Barcelona

United Kingdom, 1996

Social sciences: economic and business sciences

Economista en l'Àrea de Prospectiva, Reflexió i Palau Macaya, Barcelona

United Kingdom, 1998

Social sciences: economic and business sciences

Professor Departament Sociologia Universitat de Cambridge UK, Vilanova i la Geltrú

United Kingdom, 1988

Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines

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