Ion Cernin Clavero Jover

PhD Candidate in Economics, European University Institute, Firenze

Posgrado en Estados Unidos, 2022

Born in Bilbao (Spain) in 1983. MArch (2009) from the School of Architecture, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain). BSc (2020) and MSc (2021) in Economics from the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao (Spain). He began his professional life as a freelance architect in Spain and Germany in the early 2010s, and, partly because of the critical socioeconomic context in which his early career unfolded, but also as a natural evolution of his curiosity about the determinants of the urban form, his interests gradually evolved towards the social sciences and, specifically, towards economics. He pursued a formal education in the field driven by his newly discovered passion for the broad scope of topics that economics deals with and the scientific rigor of its methods.  Since 2022, he is a PhD candidate in economics at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). His research interests are economic and social networks, behavioural economics and finance and game theory. 

La beca de Ion Cernin

Posgrado en Estados Unidos, 2022

Estudios cursados con la beca

Research Stay in the Department of Economics

Tipo de estudio


Universidad o centro de destino

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Especialidad de los estudios cursados con la beca

Teoría económica

Universidad de origen

Universidad del País Vasco

Especialidad de origen

Análisis económico

Próximas Actividades