
CEO, Oceonomy, Data Strategy & Climate Risk, Singapur
Posgrado en Reino Unido, 2001
My career has involved C-suite roles where I've tackled complex global challenges, built innovative data & AI teams and products, and facilitated meaningful digital transformations across financial services, technology, and sustainability for giants like Visa, SCB, Amex, Samsung, and others, spanning Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Over the past 25 years, I've embraced opportunities to live and work abroad, in New York, London, Barcelona, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Singapore, learning about diverse cultures and business landscapes.
My educational journey includes an MA in Arts, a certification as accountant and later an MBA from the prestigious London Business School, and a PhD in Tech Strategy from the University of Barcelona, earned Summa Cum Laude with Europaeus Honorific Mention. I am grateful to Fundacio LaCaixa and The British Council fellowships that made it possible.
The commitment to continuous learning extends into my roles as a practitioner Adjunct Professor of Data Strategy and AI at the renowned Globis University MBA program in Japan, as well as collaborations with other top-ranked international business schools.
I served in advisory roles an an Ambassador for the UN Women STEM program, the Singapore IMDA Women in Tech committee, the UN Development Fintech Program, and on governing boards for the United Nations Association of Singapore, the Data Literacy Project, and the Singapore Computer Society.
Currently, I serve at the board of the London Business School International Alumni Council and the HP APAC Sustainability Advisory Board Council.
While deeply grateful for the recognitions received, I believe true success stems from a commitment to continuous learning and driving positive impact. These acknowledgments include being named among 30 People Who Are Changing The World, Asia's 100 Most Powerful Women Leaders, the Top 100 World CDOs, 100 Women in Tech, Most Promising Female Developer, a Top LinkedIn Voice, and the prestigious Moebius Digital Award.
Beyond work and volunteering, I focus on quality time with my family and I'm passionate about how emerging technologies can be leveraged to address humanity's global challenges related to sustainability, decarbonization, and economic equity. This includes exploring ethical applications of AI, quantum research, and innovative models for cross-sector collaboration to scale sustainable solutions that support environmental and climate action.
Sector profesional
La beca de Meritxell
Estudios cursados con la beca
Administración de Empresas
Tipo de estudio
Universidad o centro de destino
London Business School, University of London
Especialidad de los estudios cursados con la beca
Administración y dirección de empresas
Universidad de origen
Universitat de Barcelona
Especialidad de origen
Artes en general
El código de tu beca es . Debe constar en todas las publicaciones o materiales de difusión que realices y que tengan relación con la investigación financiada por la beca de ”la Caixa”. Concretamente, la mención que hay que hacer es: «El proyecto que ha generado estos resultados ha contado con el apoyo de una beca de la Fundación Bancaria ”la Caixa” (ID 100010434), cuyo código es ».

18 September 2014
Meritxell Rosich recibe el premio “Most prominent female developer” en la conferencia de juegos Casual Connect USA
En la pasada edición del Casual Connect San Francisco 2014, celebrada del 12 al 24 de julio,Meritxell Rosich (Reino Unido, 2001) recibió el premio “Most prominent female developer” por su labor como cofundadora de Quality Time Lab, una ‘start up’ que ha creado junto con su hermana y que se dedica a desarrollar aplicaciones para familias que viven o pasan temporadas separadas físicamente.