Arce Domingo Relloso

PhD student, Durango

Doctorado en España, 2019

Born in Durango (Biscay) in 1992. Obtains her bachelor degree in Mathematics by the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2015. Finishes a master's degree in Biostatistics by the University of Valencia in 2017, with an internship at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. Her thesis project is acknowledged by the Almirall prize to the best biostatistics work by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Works as a biostatistician in the Environmental Health Sciences department at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (New York, US) between 2018 and 2020, and is still a close collaborator of the department. Is currently conducting a PhD in statistics and operations research, based at the National Center of Epidemiology (Madrid, Spain). Speaks native Spanish and Basque, fluent English and has a basic grasp of French. Has several publications in high impact international scientific journals.

La beca de Arce

Doctorado en España, 2019

Estudios cursados con la beca

Doctorado en Estadística y Optimización

Tipo de estudio


Universidad o centro de destino

Centro Nacional de Epidemiología - ISCIII

Especialidad de los estudios cursados con la beca

Biología matemática y computacional

Universidad de origen

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Especialidad de origen

Matemáticas aplicadas