Athenea3i – Marie Curie researcher, University of Granada, Granada

en Alemania, 2010

Extremeñian scientist, trans queer activist, physicist, computer scientist and expert on quantum computation. I am currently a Marie Curie –Athenea3i researcher in the University of Granada, Spain. I have worked as a researcher in the Free University of Berlin (2016-2019) and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Munich,Germany. I did my undergraduate studies in the University of Salamanca (2005-2010), Spain.I am cofounder of the Q-turn quantum information workshop and the Equal Opportunity Group ofthe Max-Planck PhDnet. My activism promotes labor rights, responsible research, diversity, equity, inclusion and the creation of inclusive spaces in science.

La beca de Juani

en Alemania, 2010

Estudios cursados con la beca


Tipo de estudio

Universidad o centro de destino

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching

Especialidad de los estudios cursados con la beca

Física general

Universidad de origen

Universidad de Salamanca

Especialidad de origen

Física general

Próximas Actividades