María del Valle Palomo Ruiz
Ramón y Cajal fellow at IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid
Posdoctorado en España, 2018
Valle Palomo finished her Chemistry studies in 2008. She completed a Master’s in Organic Chemistry in 2010 and a Ph. D. in Medicinal Chemistry in 2012. In 2013 she began a postdoctoral stay abroad at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. In 2015 she obtained a Juan de la Cierva Scholarship in Spain and in 2018 she entered the postdoctoral Junior Leader ”la Caixa” program to establish her own research team. She has received 7 prestigious awards including the Lilly award for Ph. D. students, best patent by Madri+d and the extraordinary awards for her BsC and Ph. D. She is author of 33 publications, 2 licensed patents and has obtained 5 research fellowships to date. Her career has focused on the development of novel therapeutic drugs and biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ”la Caixa” fellowship will fund her research in the development of sensors for ALS based on Quantum Dots using human models of disease. These multicolor nanoparticles will monitor molecular pathological processes occurring in ALS patients. The development of these sensors could enable early diagnosis, appropriate classification of patients and help in the development of novel therapeutic drugs for this devastating disease. The main goal is to develop a specific sensor of molecular pathology for ALS patients.
Sector profesional
La beca de María del Valle
Estudios cursados con la beca
Multiplexed Quantum Dot Immunoassay for the Improved Selection of Therapeutic Candidates for Motoneu
Tipo de estudio
Universidad o centro de destino
CIB-CSIC Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Especialidad de los estudios cursados con la beca
Química orgánica
Universidad de origen
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Especialidad de origen
Química orgánica
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